Podcasts and Influencer Marketing

When we think about influencers and creators, the idea that comes to mind is people who post their content on Instagram, YouTube, and even TikTok. While it’s often not our first thought, podcasting is a type of content creation that is on the rise and depending on the brand’s target demographics can perform very well at attracting new customers.
So far in 2022, 38 percent of people over the age of twelve are monthly podcast listeners, with 62 percent reporting having ever listened to a podcast. Podcasting should not be ignored when it comes to influencer marketing. Here are a couple of reasons why turning your lens toward podcasters can be beneficial to your brand.
Niche Audiences
Just like YouTube influencers, podcast creators serve a niche group of people. If you can think of a topic, there is likely a whole podcast theme, or even just an episode dedicated to it. Finding podcast creators that have audiences that match with your brand is easy and more effective for marketing.
Easily Accessible and Mobile
Podcasts are more readily accessible to those who want to multitask. Many people listen to podcasts while on their daily commute, working out, or doing things around their house. If they are multitasking, they will be less likely to skip an ad read. Podcast listeners are normally very loyal and will know the days creators typically release new episodes. Listeners will look forward to streaming it, as it has become a part of their week-to-week routine.
The audience is also important because they are loyal listeners. Week after week, audiences will return to podcasts they like to listen to. This means that if you have a long-term partnership with a podcast influencer, listeners will consistently hear about your brand. In a report from Super Listeners from 2020, podcast listeners reported that they felt podcasts contained less advertisements than other media. They also reported that when there was an advertisement, 33 percent of them rarely or never skipped past them.
Because of the loyalty of listeners, they will be more likely to trust the host when it comes to brand partnerships. According to Semrush, 60 percent of listeners looked into a product after hearing about it in a podcast. Additionally, 40 percent of listeners felt that podcast ads were “less intrusive” than other types of ads. When audiences don’t feel pressured, or like their content is being interrupted, they are more likely to listen to the advertisement. This could be due to the structure of podcasts. They tend to be more conversational, meaning it feels more organic when an ad read occurs.
Podcasting creators are just another group of influencers to keep an eye on. Many influencers get their start elsewhere and finally land on podcasting. Sometimes, the following from their past endeavors helps creators get a jumpstart, but their podcasts truly take off once their audience becomes loyal listeners. Because of the intimate nature of podcasts, listeners feel like part of a community. Audiences will support creators they feel personally attached to, meaning partnerships with podcasters will result in success.