What is Lead Generation? How to Lead the Competition

what is lead generation

What’s equally important as having a wonderful brand, product, or service on the market is having an organized and enthusiastic audience of intrigued individuals interested in your brand, product, or service. 

Finding and maintaining interest in these individuals is where knowledge in modern methods of online lead generation is absolutely invaluable. 

There are several methods of generating leads online in the digital era, but as means of online marketing constantly evolves, it can be difficult to grasp just what will be attractive to your audience, as well as beneficial to your brand.

Online lead generation does not need to be difficult, and frankly — in this day and age — creating an organized and functional list of potential leads can be easier than ever with the right resources.

What is Lead Generation?

Lead generation is simply attracting potential consumers with skillfully produced and placed marketing maneuvers that in turn interests the audience in your product, brand, or service and intrigues them to make a substantial purchase down the line.

Lead generation is crucial for brands building a pipeline of already-interested individuals to aim their marketing efforts towards. By having an already established list of potential leads, it takes out the guess-work for the brand as to where their marketing efforts are best recognized and potentially profitable.

what is lead generation

Simple Forms of Lead Generation

Creating a list of potential leads is easier than one may think. When going about planning your lead generation strategy, it is important to keep in mind what is both important and interesting to your audience, as well as advantageous for your brand.


Generating leads via email newsletters is one of the most effective ways to gain your audience’s attention, as well as their email and other personal information to begin your lead pipeline. Newsletters typically include exclusive offers, inspirational content, free resources, recent blog posts, company updates, etc. and functions as a weekly, biweekly, or monthly update on the brand.


From the consumer’s perspective, joining your brand’s newsletter gives them the ‘in’ on getting the most value out of your product or service as possible. As the brand, providing a weekly, biweekly, or monthly newsletter makes it easy to share updates, new products or services coming soon, as well as track already-interested individuals via an ever-growing email list.


Friends with Benefits

what is lead generation

Who doesn’t love a discount? After all, it’s second best to ‘free’!

Sharing a discount code with individuals already on your webpage or social media channels provides that extra push to make the viewer take action on your brand, product, or service. When consumers receive their discount via email, you receive their email and other personal information and your email list and lead pipeline grows. This ‘friends with benefits’ system leaves both the consumer and the brand happy!

Online Courses

More than ever before, individuals across the world are looking for help online rather than in person. The days of in-person workshops and courses are numbered as anything that anyone may ever need to know is available on the internet.


While some may be able to attain all the familiarity they need regarding a topic via blog posts, web articles, Instagram reels, and Youtube video tutorials, some individuals do still prefer to learn via an intimate setting with an expert in their field. Online courses open the door for individuals to fully immerse themselves in a topic, much like a classroom setting, within the comfort of their own home or at the touch of a button. 


Similarly to an email newsletter or discount-for-email trade, when a consumer signs up for an online course, the brand is able to add the consumer to a list of leads that are highly interested in the brand, product, and/or service. The likelihood of the online-course-taker to make a purchase is much higher than the discount code or email newsletter consumer as trust has already been established, and the consumer is a full-supporter in the brand, product, and/or service.

Need a Hand?

Information overload? That’s alright. InfluenceLogic is here to help! Tracking and organizing your leads, as well as using your stats to your marketing campaign’s advantage can be a juggling act. Let us loan you a hand. Learn more about InfluenceLogic and what we can do for your brand here

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